
Some details about What we Nikso Home Care & Rehabilitation do

Stroke rehabilitation

A wide range of treatment techniques and approaches from different philisophical backgrounds are utilised in Neurological Rehabilitation.

Balance training

Strength, aerobic, flexibility, and balance exercises are the other three categories of exercise that are recommended to promote physical and mental health.

Shoulder rehabilitation

This shoulder rehabilitation program focuses on strengthening the muscles that support your shoulder to help keep your shoulder joint stable, relieve pain 

Lymphedema management

Decongestive lymphatic therapy is the advised remedy for lymphoedema (DLT). Although DLT can not treat lymphoedema, it can assist manage its symptoms.

Pain management

Pain management techniques include prescription painkillers, physical therapy, and complementary therapies (such as acupuncture and massage).

Parkinson’s management

Parkinson's disease is currently incurable, although there are drugs that can help you control your symptoms. the use of dopaminergic drugs

Specialty Programs